Comparing our Sweetener Syrups
To celebrate the beginning of Autumn we are bringing this beautiful image with 4 of our sweeteners and sugar alternatives. Do you know what are the differences between these products and how to use them?
A natural delicious sweetener produced by bees with a unique flavour. Its sweetness comes from fructose and glucose and it is as sweet as regular sugar, providing some vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Perfect in pancakes, french toasts, greek yoghurts, smoothies and also as a spread on toast. Click here to see product range.
Agave Syrup
A low GI syrup made from the spiky agave plant and has a nice rich flavour. This sweetener is about 40% sweeter than sugar and is great for cold drinks as it is easily dilutable. It has a texture and a distinctive delicate flavour. It can also be used in baked goods, smoothies and pancakes. Click here to see product.
Rice Syrup
This sweetener has no fructose and is about half the sweetness of white sugar, with a simple flavour and a slight butterscotch flavour. It is a good alternative for vegan diets in drinks and baked goods. Click here to see product range.
Maple Syrup
Another delicious option with a strong delicious caramel flavour and sweet vanilla aroma. This syrup is great on pancakes, waffles, breakfast bowls and pretty much everything else! We particularly recommend this syrup to sweeten fresh lemonade . A curiosity is University of Rhode Island has identified 54 beneficial compounds in this product as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Click here to see product range.
Have you tried all of them?
We want to know which one is your favourite and for what?